Sunday, July 22, 2012

Tom Menino Bans Chick-fil-A from Boston

Tom Menino Bans Chick-fil-A from Boston

by Julia Emmanuele,
November 30th -0001

Boston Mayor Bans Chick-fil-A From Putting Resto Next To Freedom Trail

In the deluge of Chick-fil-A condemations comes lovably grumpy Bahsten Mayah Tom Menino, who told the Boston Herald that he's taken extreme measures against the company's anti-gay stance:

"Chick-fil-A doesn't belong in Boston. You can't have a business in the city of Boston that discriminates against a population. We're an open city, we're a city that's at the forefront of inclusion," Menino told the Herald yesterday.

"That's the Freedom Trail. That's where it all started right here. And we're not going to have a company, Chick-fil-A or whatever the hell the name is, on our Freedom Trail."

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Victor Cuvo, Attorney at Law
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