Saturday, July 21, 2012

Mediaite: Roger Ebert In NYT Op-Ed: No "Easy Link Between Movies And Gun Violence"

Film critic Roger Ebert weighed in on the Colorado shooting tragedy in a New York Times op-ed today with a unique perspective on the connection between American pop culture and gun violence. He suggested that James Holmes had a deep insecurity and "cared deeply about seeing himself on the news." Ebert also used his column to call for politicians to join together and put a renewed sense of purpose into pursuing stronger gun control laws.

RELATED: CNN Guest Rushes To Blame Video Games For CO Shooting: "Teenaged Psychopaths Get Inspired"

Ebert first gave his thoughts on why Holmes did what he did and why he chose to do it at the premiere of The Dark Knight Rises.

"Like many whose misery is reflected in violence, he may simply have been drawn to a highly publicized event with a big crowd. In cynical terms, he was seeking a publicity tie-in...
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