Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Bam’s to blame on econ: poll

Bam's to blame on econ: poll

by S.A. MILLER, nypost.com
July 24th 2012

WASHINGTON — Most voters blame President Obama for the bad economy, a new poll revealed yesterday.

A 53 percent majority think Obama took the wrong actions and slowed down the economy, a poll by Pulse Opinion Research found for the Hill newspaper.

Even more voters — 66 percent — blame Washington in general for the country's anemic job growth and slow recovery. But more point to Obama when given a choice of culprits.

About 34 percent blame Obama, compared with 23 percent who blame Congress, 20 percent who blame Wall Street and 20 percent who blame former President George W. Bush.

Obama has argued that he inherited a bad economy from Bush.

Original Page: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/national/bam_to_blame_on_econ_poll_GqZWSCGJqH7IcS6VbvVuIO

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Victor Cuvo, Attorney at Law
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