Saturday, August 18, 2012 Writers on how they write: Edwidge Danticat

The Wall Street Journal had a great article a few weeks back: "How to Write a Great Novel", reflections by novelists on how they approach writing. Since the article is subscription only, I'm featuring one writer per day here, highlighting … Continue reading →

The Wall Street Journal had a great article a few weeks back: "How to Write a Great Novel", reflections by novelists on how they approach writing. Since the article is subscription only, I'm featuring one writer per day here, highlighting their process with a key excerpt from the article.

Today's writer is Edwidge Danticat, whose novels include "Breath, Eyes, Memory" and "The Farming of Bones."

Before she begins a novel, Edwidge Danticat creates a collage on a bulletin board in her office, tacking up photos she's taken on trips to her native Haiti and images she clips from magazines ranging from Essence to National Geographic. Ms. Danticat, who works out of her home in Miami, says she adapted the technique from story boarding, which filmmakers use to map out scenes. "I like the tactile process. There's something old-fashioned about it, but what we do is kind of old-fashioned," she says.

Sometimes, the collage grows large enough to fill four bulletin boards. As the plot becomes clearer, she culls pictures and shrinks the visual map to a single board.

Yet another writer who finds inspiration from images. I've had two students who put together collages for their stories. How about you?

[Originally posted November 18, 2009]
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Victor Cuvo, Attorney at Law
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