Tuesday, February 28, 2012

John Hayward

Obama cuts military health care benefits, leaves unionized civilians untouched

Into the public exchanges with you, soldiers.
by John Hayward

Bill Gertz at the Washington Free Beacon writes of a growing controversy in Congress and the Pentagon over the Obama administration's latest brainstorm for cutting our defense budget:

The Obama administration's proposed defense budget calls for military families and retirees to pay sharply more for their healthcare, while leaving unionized civilian defense workers' benefits untouched. The proposal is causing a major rift within the Pentagon, according to U.S. officials. Several congressional aides suggested the move is designed to increase the enrollment in Obamacare's state-run insurance exchanges.

The disparity in treatment between civilian and uniformed personnel is causing a backlash within the military that could undermine recruitment and retention.

The proposed increases in health care payments by service members, which must be approved by Congress, are part of the Pentagon's $487 billion cut in spending. It seeks to save $1.8 billion from the Tricare medical system in the fiscal 2013 budget, and $12.9 billion by 2017.

(Emphasis mine.)  Military personnel have voiced some understandable concerns about this little scheme, which could "severely impact efforts to recruit and maintain a high-quality all-volunteer military force."  Here's why:

Significantly, the plan calls for increases between 30 percent to 78 percent in Tricare annual premiums for the first year. After that, the plan will impose five-year increases ranging from 94 percent to 345 percent—more than 3 times current levels.

According to congressional assessments, a retired Army colonel with a family currently paying $460 a year for health care will pay $2,048.

The new plan hits active duty personnel by increasing co-payments for pharmaceuticals and eliminating incentives for using generic drugs.

Veterans will also be hit with a new annual fee for a program called Tricare for Life, on top of the monthly premiums they already pay, while some benefits will become "means-tested" in the manner of a social program – treating them like welfare instead of benefits for military service.  Naturally, this is all timed to begin next year and "avoid upsetting military voters in a presidential election year," according to critics.

There will be congressional hearings on the new military health care policies next month.  Opposition is building in Congress, and among veterans' organizations, including the VFW, which has "called on all military personnel and the veterans' community to block the health care increases."

Retired Navy Capt. Kathryn M. Beasley, of the Military Officers Association of America, said the Military Coalition, 32 military service and veterans groups with an estimated 5 million members, is fighting the proposed healthcare increases, specifically the use of mean-testing for cost increases.

"We think it's absolutely wrong," Beasley told the Free Beacon. "This is a breach of faith" for both the active duty and retiree communities.

A strong opponent has already emerged in the House of Representatives:

"We shouldn't ask our military to pay our bills when we aren't willing to impose a similar hardship on the rest of the population," Rep. Howard "Buck" McKeon, chairman of the House Armed Services Committee and a Republican from California, said in a statement to the Washington Free Beacon. "We can't keep asking those who have given so much to give that much more."

Besides relieving the pressure for spending reductions in the many, many programs that Barack Obama and the Democratic Party would rather fund than benefits for soldiers, an important Obama political objective is served by these cuts:

Administration officials told Congress that one goal of the increased fees is to force military retirees to reduce their involvement in Tricare and eventually opt out of the program in favor of alternatives established by the 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare.

"When they talked to us, they did mention the option of healthcare exchanges under Obamacare. So it's in their mind," said a congressional aide involved in the issue.

In other words, this is part of the overall strategy to dump as many Americans as possible into those budget-blasting "public exchanges," which were already on course to cost at least $460 billion by 2019.  TheHeritage Foundation completed a study last year that concluded this cost could more than double, if enough private-sector employers decide to wash their hands of Obama's health-care nightmare and dump their employees into the public exchanges… and that study didn't anticipate a tidal wave of military veterans sliding into the deficit pit. 

The long-term goal of provoking utter collapse in the ObamaCare "hybrid" of public control and private insurance will be met more swiftly, paving the way for the same people who shoved the ObamaCare fraud down America's throat to declare the only real solution is a total government takeover: single-payer socialized medicine. 

Congratulations, soldiers!  You've been "recruited" into an operation Barack Obama considers much more important than national defense.  That's a fair assessment, isn't it, liberals?  After all, you're always insisting that public funding is the sole measure of how much "America cares" about any other topic.  Cutting those compulsory tax "investments" means the heartless budget-cutter just doesn't "care" about the people who will be "harmed" by the cuts.  That must certainly apply to the military – one of the very few programs our central government actually is authorized to spend money on by the Constitution.  If not, can you explain why not?

John Hayward is a staff writer for HUMAN EVENTS, and author of the recently published Doctor Zero: Year One. He is a regular guest on the Rusty Humphries radio show. Follow him on Twitter: Doc_0. Contact him by email atjhayward@eaglepub.com.
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5 hours ago

Hmmm.....Unions kept whole.  Non-Union reduced benefits.  Communists like Unions.  Obama raised by Communists.  Does fruit fall far from the tree?  Time for this bozo to go away before he harms the Republic more.  

23 minutes ago

 Obama still thinks he is going to be re-elected with this type of idiocy?  He thinks by putting it off until next year , that veterans and active military won't notice of the sharp increases, while leaving the Unions alone?  What planet does this guy live on.  When this gets out, the Republicans will gain even more support.

8 hours ago

are you all high and if not maybe you should be, i am a 20 year vet. i did my time and payed all my dues, as my fellow brothers and sisters in arms have done. we deserve better than this. or maybe  our government officers and representatives deserve less. enough is in fact enough. good by obama.

4 hours ago


   Do as I have just done - write both your senators as well as your US representative.  They have allowed ObamaCare to be passed and now they will sit on their hands while Panetta (just another Obama toadie) cuts the guts out of TRICARE for retirees, as well as active duty families.  If our elected folks will not help us, let us vote them out in a few months.  This b.s. has gone on far too long.

0 minutes ago

I was high on patriotism once, when seven others and I took the oath in February 1960 and joined the USN.  And I got high again while cheerleading for Goldwater.  And the last time was when Reagan beat the peanut farmer.  But never, ever, did I get high on drugs.  That is for weak people.

10 hours ago

What balls this man pretends to have!During election year cuts cuts cuts, won't drill ,cant drill!

Republicans made a huge mistake by not trying to impeach him.

5 hours ago

Yeah, I'm not sure why as many times as we hear, He can't do that and he does it and wipes his butt with the Constitution everyday, no impeachment talk??

5 hours ago

 If there were an ounce of moral fiber in either House Obama would be under impeachment proceedings right now.   His numerous violations of our Constitution are an abomination.  His un-Constitutional attack on the Catholic Church is a travesty.

5 hours ago

Well, impeachment HAS to start in the house. If they did impeach him then the senate wouldn't convict. That being said, the house should do its job and impeach him anyway.

3 hours ago

To me this goes way beyond whether or not you are Catholic. Why should I be forced to pay for someone else's sex habits. These expenses should be the sole responsibility of the individual who wants to partake in this activity. What happened to accountability for onesself. Oh, I forgot, Obama is running everyone's lives now.

10 hours ago

They can't (yet) tim. 

9 hours ago

Yes they can, can we all say Libya?

9 hours ago

Oh I don't know - there are ample things over which he could be impeached - the spineless house repubs are just 'unwilling' to do so lest they be called raaacciiissttts (I mean it isn't like that has happened already). 

5 hours ago

if hating obama makes someone a racist,then i'm a racist. it's not his skin i hate , its his brain

5 hours ago

What brain?

9 hours ago

O'Bozo has committed more than enough crimes to be "impeached". That is, if he is even a legitimate president.

However, the GOP has been rendered completely impotent for just the reason you state. The mighty Boa has pointed this out numerous times. It is also the reason they caved in the debt limit debacle. Until they grow a spine and show some fortitude, the mighty Boa will no longer support them. They refuse to run a worthy candidate, and the mighty Boa suspects they've already surrendered the office to O'Bozo once again. They fear the race riots that would ensue if O'Bozo were to lose. What they overlook is that O'Bozo doesn't plan on going anywhere anyway and would steal or suspend the election if they weren't willing to hand it to him.

9 hours ago

It takes a HIGH standard to reach that point.  NOT that I don't want to loon out of office, but remember what happened after the Clinton mess.

Sorry can't go down road with you.  Let's just kick him out in Nov. 

9 hours ago

OK - we'll have to agree to disagree - though it seems to me that things like the takeover of GM, 'loans' to outfits like solyndra, violations of the war powers act, and that pesky Fast & Furious debacle just to name a few,ought to be more than enough to reach the 'high crimes and misdemeanors threshold.

9 hours ago

For right now you have to take Fast & Furious off the list. While you and I both know it goes to the highest levels in the government right now the idiots in congress are having trouble even proving Holder knew about it much less had a hand in it. I can assure you Holder will fall on his sword before he allows the "investigation" to reach the white house occupant. 

5 hours ago

Yeah, let's ask the old GM shareholders that got hosed how they liked the deal they got while they handed the union a gift only to eventually go under in the future due to unsustainability!

8 hours ago

I don't disagree with you. But high crimes.  Man it's a long road the follow. 

The MSN would tear up the Rep's from day one and I'm sorry to say, it would hurt us more than help. 

8 hours ago

And rather than the TAXPAYERS bailing out union pension plans, why don't other UNIONS do it? Isn't that the point of the UNION?? All big happy groups of brothers taking care on one another? But no,,, O'Bozo bails all of them out so they don't get mad at him and stop voting for him.

Granted, it's money well spent. On his part, that is.....

5 hours ago

 Can you say "GREECE?"  What's happening in Greece is our future if we don't turn this ship.

7 hours ago

 Unions are socialism. Of course they will bankrupt because sustainability is in their commie genes. And likewise, they will NEVER take responsibility for their failures and will demand government bailouts just like progressive fascists always do.

4 hours ago

someone needs to just shoot the SOB- I did my 20 yrs and all this bstrd has done is dismantle what I worked hard for !!! (and i dont have a crppy union to go whining to.. what a huge POS this baboon is

Sweetrae aka: LeAnn
4 hours ago

 You better back it up a notch or two buddy, AgTrotter is right, you have crossed the line. You may disagree with him, but NEVER advocate violence against the president. 

2 hours ago

 i say hang that stupid asshole nazi socialist, UNTIL HE IS DEAD! ARE WE CLEAR COMRAD!

4 hours ago

I really don't think that is called for. You can certainly disagree with a sitting President, but you've crossed the line with your rhetoric.

2 hours ago


2 hours ago

Hey Ag  crawl back into your hole!

1 hour ago

When a dumbass who espouses assasination of a President tells me to "crawl back into your hole", I take honor in that.

I sense a leftist plant.

4 hours ago

This falls under the category of "Punishing your enemy." Most public union members vote Democrat, while most members of the armed forces vote Republican.

7 hours ago

 obozocare is not about healthcare. It's about lunatic-left d-cRAT socialist CONTROL of one-sixth of the US economy, lunatic-left d-cRAT socialist WEALTH AND INCOME RE-DISTRIBUTION, lunatic-left d-cRAT socialist EXPANSION OF ABORTIONS WITH TAXPAYER MONEY, lunatic-left destruction of the Catholic Religion and every other Christian religion that opposed it's dictates and unlimited lunatic-left d-cRAT socialist NANNY STATE COMMANDS and RULES for the American people.

Remember this LIE from OBOZO: "if you like your current heath plan, you can keep your current health plan" ?

In addition to being an insult to the US Constitution, obozocare is an affront to the American people. It must be removed, along with each and every lunatic-left d-cRAT socialist that supports it.

Our new president, along with the new Republican controlled House and Senate must, as their  first official act, repeal obozocare, then tear it up into a million pieces, burn the pieces, bury the ashes and cover the burial site with 1000 tons of concrete.

3 hours ago

 there is only one way and one way only.grab your weapons and lets have 1776 all over again!

10 hours ago

And don't forget that The Obama Family, all White House Czars, all Obama Administration Flunkies, US Senators and Congressmen are ALL exempt from Obamacare!

3 hours ago

Why do congressmen get so much and don't put their life on the line for us and some idiot takes benefits from service personell---I am ashamed of the American people for allowing the way we treat our service people--such a shame

10 hours ago

As a veteran of the U.S Navy Seabees... I would say that that BHO has lost the majority of the Military vote.

Some will vote for him, unfortunately because of the color of his skin.

 This from a man who married a woman of color.

6 hours ago

I am also a Veteran, USMC and I would agree that BHO has significantly damaged any support he might have  had from the military. 

Isn,t it injteresting how when the politicos attack the very Americans who put it ALL on the line to protect our Freedoms, the Liberals have no objetion?

4 hours ago

Obamas handler knows exactly what he is doing. He is bankrupting this country financially as Reagan did to the USSR. He is demoralizing the military by letting the queers serve openly. This will cause fewer people to enlist. This means less combat troops, ships will go to sea undermanned or be mothballed. This is what the liberals want. Obama wants our nuclear warheads to be reduced to 300 while other countries are increasing theirs. The way it is going we will be in worse shape than Greece which is one reason that he wants to ignore the second amendment and take away all of our guns. He is planning on riots ion our streets. 

5 hours ago

Liberals tolerate the military in a Democratic administration.  It is hard for them to hide their contempt but they try.

Thank you for your service.

6 hours ago

Yeah, white!

Sweetrae aka: LeAnn
4 hours ago

 You are just an idiot who shows up here, spews your mindless verbal diarrhea and then slithers away. 

1 hour ago

Like Savage says, VERMIN!!

5 hours ago

Vile Racist!

Sweetrae aka: LeAnn
4 hours ago

 Wil's just a mindless troll, ignore it. Anytime it's challenged by facts, it has to spew liberal DNC talking points and run away. 

2 hours ago


3 hours ago

If someone shoots the SOB as suggested, he can go right to heaven and get 72 virgins.  Sounds o.k.

1 hour ago

That would be true only if the Koran were true, and since it is merely a Fairy Tale I guess in the Hypothetical intance that was being bantied about Obummer wouldn't even have that pleasure. In that same Hypothetical, I find it hard to feel bad for him anyways.

6 hours ago

Free up the private sector from massive amounts of government regulations and meddling with the free market .  That way the government workers won't have a difficult time finding REAL work in the private sector (when President Ron Paul cuts $1 trillion from the federal budget!).  Freedom is the answer!!  Elect Ron Paul!!

5 hours ago

You really don't think that freakshow would gut the military the first chance he got??

5 hours ago

 Sorry Ahab, I find the man plain weird.

1 hour ago

weird, possibly. Ron Paul is the only person in the current race that even understands the term Small Govt. let alone wants to see one in this country again.

1 hour ago

Ron Paul 2012!!

Amen dude

4 hours ago

hmmmm million dollar election?... a bullet?.... hmmmmmmmmmm

9 hours ago

John - good article (as per usual) but I think you missed one major point: the civilian government workers are overwhelmingly union members. The military (so far!) isn't. Since there are more civilian federal employees by far than there are members of the military, which group do you realistically think that obama and his handlers will 'tempt' more in order to support him? Can you imagine how much union (at all levels) support he would lose if he said they had to sacrifice their 'fair share'?

5 hours ago

I think the Post Office is union but I'm pretty sure there is a law against most Federal Employees unionizing.  State employees are usually union.  Obama is trying to unionize TSA, I'm not sure if he's been successful or not.  Since unions are contrary to capitalism, no wonder the Marxist in Chief loves them.

5 hours ago

 No, Nancy......Federal Employees ARE unionized....NTEU, AFGE, NFFE are some of the Unions who have Federal Employees as members.

1 hour ago

You are SO CORRECT when you says Unions are anti Capitalist. I continuly write posts explaining the reality of Unions being nothing more than a piece of Communism, and continuly get hacked on gor it. I tis real simple America,

If you take the time to read the Communist Manifesto then immediatly read just about any Union Constitution you'll see they are mirrors. Rather that the union const. is a mirror of the Manifesto. 

Oh wait did I just suggest that Americans should read? I did not mean that. Americans no longer read, what am I thinking? 

If Americans were readers the'd have read their own Constitution and Declaration of Independance, maybe even recently. There is no way the average American has read 

the affore mentioned Founding Documents in years. If they had our country wouldn't be in the shape it's in today. Heck, If Americans had read the US Const. in the early part of the 1900's there isn't a chance in HELL guys like W. Wilson and FDR, would have ever been elected. Oh damn I forgot Teddy Rooosevelt probably wouldn't have been elected either. TR is the one who really started the class warfare business as usual in our country, in the political sense anyway. 

Unions = Communism, AYN RAND tried explaining this to Americans for her entire life and....... well we did not want toread her books either.

In Fact if you pick up and read the Old Bible, (Now I've realy crossed a line) 

you'll see that every time the Isrealites challenged God's authority and tried to install 

their own man made leadership it failed. In Exodus they tried out Communism/Socialism before it was cool and in the end it really didn't work.

WOW, that took a lot of words to say Americans don't read and History repeats itself!

Americans, do yourself a favor, Go read a BOOK, start with the Founding Documents, then continue through the listed books in this post. You will be better off for it.

2 hours ago

After reading this article, and other articles about this subject today, about Obamao's plans, my blood just boils!

10 hours ago

I'm on tricare and am eligible for Tricare for life in a couple months. I can tolerate it if they cut my benefits so long it is shared by all as Adam posted.  If they only cut me, off to war we go.  I don't think even the dems would go along with anything this dumb.  Probably another bomblet designed to shape an issue to make the repubs look foolish.  Everything this administration does is well designed towards a nefarious purpose.  Their slogan should be the "Great Manipulators".

(Edited by author 9 hours ago)

5 hours ago

I'm not quite where you are yet but will be soon (still serving). To me it's not about being able to survive the cuts but the breach of promise and always being at the mercy of the politicians forever with no security.

2 hours ago


1 hour ago

I wonder how any person could expect to be re-elected for a second term with all the destroy America crap he has shoved down our throats during his first term and especially now during the last year of his first term.

Worrying  big-time about the 2012 election... Obama must certainly have some evil scheme up his sleeve to steal the election and take over the country like Chavez in Venezuela and Ortega in Nicaragua.  He's not going to go quietly and gracefully.  

9 hours ago

How dare ANYONE suggest that union workers should have to contribute to their health care!

They threaten to strike when they're asked to contribute $25 a month. Anyone else who works in the real world knows that THEIR premiums probably actually INCREASE by more than that a month every year. But union workers, especially the "typical" union worker, had to go through the 10th grade, so THEY'RE "entitled".........

7 hours ago

Happened exactly that way in Ohio. Gov. Kasich got Senate Bill 5 passed which required a meager 10% (maximum) contribution by union gubmint workers (I use the term "worker" loosely) towards their healthcare and pensions - and they went ballistic. Unions spent a gazillion dollars in propaganda to put SB5 on the ballot during a "special Election" (which means an off-year election where they know turnout will be lower) and their brainwashed minions managed to overturn it. So gumbimt workers will continue to have 100% of their perks paid for at taxpayer expense, because after all, they are special and deserve it d@mmit!

As it is, Ohio is back on course careening towards bankruptcy with no relief to the taxpayer or sanity regarding gubmint pay or benefits anywhere in sight. Like with Gov Walker, threats of recall and personal threats against Gov. Kasich by union commies are plentiful and naturally ignored by the MSM.

7 hours ago

And "unions" are why people should not dismiss "occupy" the way they do. The occupy bums are merely being used to get the "groundwork" in place. As union thugs take it over, it will get a lot more violent.

This is one of the reasons that the people should have disbanded them. Stop waiting for "government" or "law enforcement" to do it. They aren't going to. But once the union thugs get established instead, it will be a lot more difficult to do.

3 hours ago

Ohio has no recall provision, unlike Wisconsin. As for the personal threats, the Ohio State Police should be investigating every one of them seriously.

2 hours ago


8 hours ago

YET........... they never get mad when their union dues go up?


6 hours ago

Small price to pay to be taken care of the rest of your life!

5 hours ago

 20 years ago in the private sector we were pretty much told that we'd contribute to our benefits or find another job.  No one tried to negotiate with us, that's just the way it was.

2 hours ago

Election day is coming. While it is good to lobby for fairness now, these folks need to understand that their best option is to change the commander in chief in November. Mr. Obama's reign of error will hopefully end on Jan. 20, 2013.

9 hours ago

You can forget about an all-volunteer Army,they will have to reinstate the draft and there will be fierce resistance.

5 hours ago

Yep - unless we manage to institute universal military service - like the Swiss and the Israelis do. If everybody has to serve then everybody will either gain or lose based on how the military and retirees get treated.

2 hours ago


10 hours ago

If one part's insurance is cut, everyone should have to share in the pain. Cut all or cut none...but don't pick-and-choose.

4 hours ago

 Oh, you want it to be fair!!!!!  You are a silly person.

9 hours ago

You know (if you will only admit it to yourself) that that is NOT the way things work in obamaland. The pick and choose (especially when it concerns groups or businesses that support them) syndrome is exactly how this bunch does everything.

10 hours ago

It's a simple answer Adam.  If anyone thinks the dem's or say O-dumber care about  the military their lying.

10 hours ago

This is just Obama...it remains to be seen what Congress thinks.

Sent from my iPhone
Victor Cuvo, Attorney at Law

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