Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Microsoft denies Office for iPad, attacks Google

By  on 22 February 2012, 10:51am

Microsoft isn't working on an Office app for the iPad. At least, that's what it's saying. The computer giant has spoken to The New York Times to set the record straight and confirm that a version of Office for Apple's device definitely isn't on the way, Know Your Mobile reports. Definitely not. No way.

The rumours started after The Daily published a picture of what appeared to be a version of Office running on an iPad. The app featured the Metro design scheme Microsoft has been touting for Windows 8, and featuring in its Windows Phone software.

The Daily claimed Microsoft was close to submitting the app to Apple for approval and it'd appear in a few months. But not so, says Microsoft.

"The Daily story is based on inaccurate rumours and speculation," a Microsoft spokespersontold The New York Times. "We have no further comment." They then went on to say that what was pictured in The Daily's story was "not Microsoft's software."

Microsoft took to Twitter to deny the rumour, but The Daily is sticking to its guns.

Not satisfied with denying the rumours, Microsoft's also taken a sideswipe at Google, another massive rival. Busy morning.

Microsoft has attacked Google in a spoof advert called Googlighting. The search giant is represented as a slick, no socks-wearing cheeseball in a stripy tie, trying to sell his cloud storage software to companies. He uses these companies as lab rats, or, as the stripy tie man calls them, pioneers. It goes on to list all the features Google lacks, that Microsoft's programs don't. It finishes with a song, that concludes "Why would you hire this guy? He's not on your side."

Blimey. Bit strong. I'm all for companies criticising each other, and if they can add some humour, great. But this seems like a skit dreamed up by Microsoft's suits. And if Google's software really is that bad, why would Microsoft need to point it out? It all seems a little undignified.

What do you make of all this? Let me know in the comments below, or on Facebook.

Victor Cuvo
Attorney at Law

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