Thursday, August 30, 2012

Article: Well well well: couple find medieval shaft beneath sofa - Telegraph

Well well well: couple find medieval shaft beneath sofa - Telegraph

The indentation in the floor was covering a well around 30 inches wide.

image (SWNS)

Mr Steer managed to excavate it using a rope to carry out the debris with the help of a friend before discovering an old sword.

"It was hidden at a 45 degree angle and sort of just fell out. It looks like an old peasant's fighting weapon because it appears to be made up of bits of metal all knocked together," he added.

According to Mr Steer's research, the land on which his house in Mannamead Road now stands was woodland until 1895, with Drake's leat running through it.

The watercourse was built in the 16th century by Sir Francis Drake to carry water from Dartmoor to Plymouth.

He said: "I've been doing lots of research into its history but I'd like to try and find someone to date it.

"I love the well and think it's fascinating. I'd love to find out who was here before us. I've got a piece of Plymouth's history in my front room."

Mr Steer has installed lights in the structure and the well has been covered up by a trapdoor beside his sofa.

But the shaft has left his wife less than impressed.

"I hate the well," Mrs Steer said. "But I suppose it is quite a feature. When we come to sell the house I just hope it's not a white elephant in the room."

(via Instapaper)

Victor Cuvo, Attorney at Law
(sent from new iPad)

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