Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Iran test-fires missiles designed to hit warships

Iran test-fires missiles designed to hit warships

miamiherald.com | Nov 30th -0001

TEHRAN, Iran -- A semi-official Iranian news agency says the military has test-fired four missiles during a military drill in the strategic Strait of Hormuz.

The report late Monday by Fars quoted Gen. Ali Fadavi of the powerful Revolutionary Guard as saying the missiles hit a "big target" the size of a warship and sunk it within 50 seconds.

It was the first report of an Iranian military exercise taking place simultaneously and close to U.S.-led joint naval maneuvers in the Persian Gulf, including mine-sweeping drills.

The U.S. Navy claims the maneuvers are not directly aimed at Iran, but the West and its regional allies have made clear they would react against attempts by Tehran to carry out threats to try to close critical Gulf oil shipping lanes in retaliation for tighter sanctions.

Original Page: http://www.miamiherald.com/2012/09/25/3019878/iran-test-fires-missiles-designed.html

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Victor Cuvo, Attorney at Law
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