Victor Cuvo, Attorney at Law
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From: "Erick Erickson" <>
Date: September 20, 2012 4:40:49 AM EDT
Subject: Morning Briefing: BLAME BUSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply-To: "Erick Erickson" <>
Morning Briefing
For September 20, 2012
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1. Today the Media Will Probably Blame Bush
Last night Fox News broke the story that the mastermind of the attack in Libya had been released from GTMO in 2007 during the reign of George Chimpy McBushitler Halliburton and his evil Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, also known as Barack Obama's Secretary of Defense Robert Gates.
But wait . . . there's more. The United States had advance warning of the attack and only sent Marines in to secure the facility after it had been blown up and after the American Ambassador had been dragged through the street dead. Otherwise, the Consulate was guarded by locals. We also are now pretty certain there was no riot in Libya, just an attack.
The Administration's whole story around what happened and what they knew is now collapsing. Were George W. Bush the President, the media would be going blind in the Politico's bathroom coming up with stories about "impeachment whispers" or "echoes of the Tet Offensive" or "where is Walter Cronkite when we need him" or some such.
As the sun rises this morning, look for the media to start blaming George W. Bush. After all, the mastermind was let out in 2007 when Barack Obama's first Secretary of Defense was in charge of the Pentagon . . . or something like that. Expect the media to ignore the advanced warning and lack of inaction by Barack Obama's administration because, after all, they are victims within the 47% of Americans Mitt Romney hates . . . or something like that.
But most importantly, we should expect the media to totally and completely ignore that just two weeks ago the Democratic National Convention adopted a party platform insisting on the closure of the prison at Guantanamo Bay — a prison facility Barack Obama supported defunding in 2005. . . . please click here for the rest of the post →
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2. Glenn Kessler's Lack Of Integrity On Parade
A few days ago I wrote a piece, only partly tongue in cheek, proposing an auto-ban on anyone who quoted any of the media "fact checkers" to bolster their argument. My reasoning is that quoting a "fact checker" is merely laundering someone else's opinion as fact and that constitutes both sloppy thinking and a lack of good faith.
Were there any doubt about this, Glenn Kessler of the Washington Post dispels it today. Kessler may very well be the least intelligent of the stable of "fact checkers" out there because unlike the clowns at "Politifact", Kessler pathetically seems to . . . please click here for the rest of the post →
3. DOJ's Inspector General's office insulates Attorney General Holder from Operation Fast & Furious.
Executive summary: the Inspector General for the Department of Justice did an independent – no, let's be honest; it was an "internal" – investigation into the horrifically botched multi-agency program known as Operation Fast & Furious (OF&F). For those who don't remember, OF&F was that program where we let Mexican drug gangs illegally buy guns, didn't keep track of the guns, and pretty much watched as said gangs shot up Mexico. This all eventually led to the death . . . please click here for the rest of the post →
4. The 47 Percent
The internet film sensation that no one has ever seen, The Innocence of Muslims, has set off a valuable discussion on the outlines of the First Amendment and why it is inherently dangerous and improper for our government to be involved in the business of classifying speech as acceptable or unacceptable. It has has the amusing side effect . . . please click here for the rest of the post →
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Sincerely yours,
Erick Erickson
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