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Victor Cuvo, Attorney at Law
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If you are on a mobile device or cannot view the images in this message view this email in your web browser. To ensure future delivery please add to your address book or safe sender's list. |  |  | Part of Regnery Publishing's hugely popular Politically Incorrect Guide™ series, The Politically Incorrect Guide™ to the Civil War is a joyful myth-busting rebel yell that shatters today's Leftist and demeaning stereotypes about the South and the Civil War -- and shows why, in the words of G. K. Chesterton, "America and the whole world is crying out for the spirit of the Old South."
Here, H.W. Crocker III profiles eminent — and colorful — military generals including the noble Lee, the controversial Sherman, the indefatigable Grant, the legendary Stonewall Jackson, and the notorious Nathan Bedford Forrest. He also includes thought-provoking chapters such as "The Civil War in Sixteen Battles You Should Know" and the most devastatingly politically incorrect chapter of all, "What if the South Had Won."
Along the way, he reveals a huge number of little-known truths, including why Robert E. Lee had a higher regard for African-Americans than Lincoln did; how, if there had been no Civil War, the South would have abolished slavery peaceably (as every other country in the Western Hemisphere did in the Nineteenth century); and how the Confederate States of America might have helped the Allies win World War I sooner.
What today's PC professors refuse to teach about the Civil War: - Jefferson Davis and Robert E. Lee: Why they believed, and sincerely hoped, that slavery would fade away naturally
- The widespread belief among leading Northern abolitionists that the Constitution was "a covenant with death and an agreement with hell"
- The Emancipation Proclamation: It didn't free a single slave — and caused draft riots in the North
- How the Federals waged a war against Southern civilians — destroying their crops, their cities, and their homes
- The real Robert E. Lee: He considered slavery a political and moral evil and opposed secession — and after the war, a New York newspaper thought he should run for president!
- Nathan Bedford Forrest: though allegedly a commander of the Ku Klux Klan, he wanted more free blacks — and Chinese — in the South
- How both Grant and Lincoln thought the Mexican War was morally wrong, but had no qualms waging a far bloodier war to deny the South its independence
This is the Politically Incorrect Guide™ that every Civil War buff and Southern partisan — and everyone who is tired of liberal self-hatred that vilifies America's greatest heroes — will have to have on his bookshelf.
And now, for a limited time, we are making The Politically Incorrect Guide™ to the Civil War available to you absolutely FREE — just for trying Human Events.
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In a recent issue, you'd have found out President Obama's record-shattering spending spree is nowhere near finished... Human Events reported after his "economic stimulus" (which created no jobs) and his $550 million "taxpayer investment" in doomed solar-panel maker Solyndra - the President now intends to spend your money "to do our part" in the coming massive bailout of the deadbeat European Union. | You'd have also learned the truth about the frightening power of America's teachers' unions... Human Events reported that while New York City's mayor Michael Bloomberg successfully banned the unions from hiding hundreds of discredited or incompetent teachers in so-called "rubber rooms" at full pay - His Honor won only a partial victory. The disgraced or unqualified teachers still can't be fired. | You'd have found out the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is adding a new type of "disability" to its already long list - dropouts... Human Events reported the EEOC is warming to the notion that people without high school diplomas - including many dropouts - may be considered "victims" of a "disability" if the commission can carry out implementation of proposed new rules. | At Human Events we consider it our responsibility to bring you stories like these - precisely because they've been deliberately hushed up by liberal outlets. There's so much at stake today. America faces a presidential election during the most serious financial crisis of modern times. Never has it been more important for you to get the truth - not disinformation from a mainstream media that functions as the "unofficial" political arm of the White House. And now you can try Human Events with this special introductory offer - a full 30-week trial subscription at the reduced rate of just $39.95... a little more than a dollar an issue. Sincerely, Thomas S. Winter Editor in Chief, Human Events
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