
The fatal encounter of George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin in Sanford, Fla., left Martin shot to death, Zimmerman in hiding, and the Occupy movement joining Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson in the streets. If Zimmerman, the neighborhood-watch volunteer who killed Martin, committed a crime beforehand — e.g., assault, which he might have committed by following Martin in a threatening manner — then the state's "stand your ground" law, which allows armed Floridians to shoot in self-defense even outside their own homes, does not apply, even if Martin attacked in turn. But we do not yet know what happened, apart from the tragic denouement. That's why we have investigations. Prodding the investigators is one thing. But now we are in the court of spectacle, as Spike Lee retweets Zimmerman's purported address (which turns out actually to belong to a bewildered elderly couple), the New Black Panther party offers a $10,000 reward for his "capture" ("an eye for an eye," a spokesman explained), and the
New York Times debuts a new racial category, "white Hispanic" (Zimmerman's mother was Peruvian, but that disrupts the racial narrative). President Obama commented on the case, perhaps fearing that Sharpton would call him a white black if he did not. We say, let justice be done.
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Victor Cuvo, Attorney at Law
1.888.355.4983 (fax)
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