Monday, September 10, 2012

Ecumenical Pauline Colloquium

Ecumenical Pauline Colloquium | Sep 10th 2012 3:09 PM

(Vatican Radio) St Paul – his life, his legacy and his writings - will be at the centre of an international meeting taking place from Tuesday at the Rome Abbey of St Paul Outside the Walls. This 22nd ecumenical Pauline colloquium will include some thirty top scholars from around the world under the presidency of Professor Christopher Tuckett of Oxford University. This year the experts will be exploring Paul's 2nd letter to the Thessalonians – one of the shorter and lesser known of the 13 epistles attributed to the Apostle of the Gentiles. While mostly held behind closed doors within the ancient Benedictine abbey, there will be a public lecture on Friday evening at the conclusion of the colloquium revealing some of the fruits of the five day meeting.
Vatican Radio's Philippa Hitchen sat down with Abbot Edmund Power at St Paul's outside the Walls to find out more about this series of Pauline encounters which began half a century ago, back at the time of the Second Vatican council....


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