Saturday, September 15, 2012

Hardee’s, KFC in Lebanon torched during Islamists’ protests

Hardee's, KFC in Lebanon torched during Islamists' protests

Jessica Stanton

Two U.S. fast food restaurants were targets of violent protests Friday in the Lebanese city of Tripoli. Protesters burned and looted a Hardee's and a KFC that shared the same building.

Pope Benedict XVI's visit to Lebanon and an anti-Muslim film that has sparked outrage across the Middle East set off a mob that set the modern structure ablaze.

According to Reuters, protesters were heard shouting, "We don't want the pope" and "No more insults [to Islam]." Rioters threw stones at the restaurants, and at Lebanese security forces, who responded with gunfire and teargas.

Read more at The Daily Caller...

Victor Cuvo, Attorney at Law
(sent from new iPad)

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