Sunday, January 20, 2013

Lance Armstrong: I deserve to make comeback

Lance Armstrong: I deserve to make comeback | Jan 19th 2013

In the second part of his televised doping confession, the disgraced cyclist told Oprah Winfrey he should be allowed to compete again, despite the extent of his doping and the deceit which accompanied it.

Armstrong was given a life ban from all elite sport after the US Anti-Doping Agency exposed his use of banned substances. The three-hour interview with Oprah, shown over two nights on prime-time US television, was the platform for his first confession.

Asked by Winfrey about whether he hoped to compete again, he replied: "It might not be the most popular answer but I think I deserve it, maybe not right now. When you see the punishment – I would go back and say you are trading my story for a six-month ban [the punishment cyclists who testified against Armstrong were given] – so I got a death penalty, meaning I can't compete. I'm a competitor. It's what I've done all my life. I love to train. I love to race.

"Not the Tour de France but there are lots of other things I could do but can't do because of this punishment [lifetime ban]. If there is a window, would I like to run the Chicago Marathon when I'm 50? I would love to do that but I can't."

The World Anti-Doping Authority on Saturday night responded to Armstrong's plea by saying he could yet have his ban reduced, but only if he agreed to be investigated by Usada and reveals how he won seven Tour de France titles while doping and which officials, riders, doctors and suppliers enabled him to do so.

The best possible outcome for Armstrong, 41, would be that his ban is reduced to eight years, but his interview with Winfrey featured none of the detail Usada would require to even consider negotiation on the punishment.

Any deal struck between Armstrong and Usada would have to be approved by Wada, whose president, John Fahey, said on Saturday: "He chose Oprah instead of giving evidence under oath and, to reopen, we would want specific details and new information.

"We want names, times, places, who supplied the drugs, which officials are involved, not just confirmation of what Usada already knows, but he needs to do it properly, and not just for showbusiness.

"To get others, to see if there was corruption of officials existed, other parts of his entourage and if he provides facts and figures then Wada would be sympathetic and support Usada. We wouldn't appeal a decision if Usada imposed a term of a number of years."

The prospect of talks between Armstrong and Usada appeared remote on Saturday night as they publicly disputed whether the cyclist offered a $250,000 (£157,000) ''donation'' to them in 2004.

The allegation, made by Usada chief executive Tarvis Tygart last week, was denied by Armstrong during his interview. Usada insisted on Saturday night a "representative" of Armstrong had offered the money.

During the second part of his interview with Winfrey, Armstrong spoke of the emotional turmoil his mother has suffered in recent months, and the moment he told his 13-year-old son he was a cheat. He revealed he had lost $75 million (£47 million) in one day when sponsors deserted him after the publication of Usada's evidence. He said he felt "humbled" and "ashamed" and described the day he was forced to step down from the board of his cancer foundation as the lowest point of all.

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