Thursday, November 8, 2012

Argentines Take to the Streets to Protest

Argentines Take to the Streets to Protest | Nov 30th -0001


Argentines have a history of banging pots and pans when in protest. November 8th was yet another day of pot banging and chanting against Argentina's President, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner's government. Only this time it was a worldwide movement and some are wishfully hoping it'll be the country's biggest protest since 2001.

A massive protest was organized via social media. On Twitter the hashtag #8N had more than 70,000 tweets in the hours before the event took place. On Facebook a handful of pages got thousands of likes. YouTube became a tool for those protesting to share what was happening on their side of the world. Counterpart groups and hashtags have also been created by supporters of the government, and some even encouraged people to boycott the protests.

The same day the protest took place, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner posted a message in Spanish on her official Facbeook page that read: "We are living in a time with a freedom of expression never seen before in Argentina, we are living in democracy, in which everyone can live, say what they think..."

Florencia Lujani, 23, is joining the protest tonight in Buenos Aires. She is taking part because she wants to protest against issues such as insecurity, corruption, inflation, the constitutional reform and the increasing restrictions to individual freedom. "I don't share values nor principles with my president," Lujani said. "I think [the protest] is a good way to wake us heard." Lujani expects this protest to be peaceful and with no major issues for civilians.

We compiled images and videos from around the world. If you are taking part of the protest tweet at us @UnivisionNews your images.

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Victor Cuvo, Attorney at Law
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