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From: "Erick Erickson" <>
Date: June 28, 2012 5:06:03 AM EDT
Subject: Judgment Day
Reply-To: "Erick Erickson" <>
RedState Morning Briefing
For June 28, 2012
Forward Morning Briefing to a Friend.
Today is the day the Obamacare decision will come out.
It should happen after 10 o'clock eastern time this morning.
Come by RedState and we will be live streaming the award winning Coffee & Markets podcast with live coverage of the decision and its implications.
At 1pm ET on WSB Radio, the nation's most listened to talk radio station, I'll be hosting a two hour radio special about the ruling. Guests will include Georgia Attorney General Sam Olens and Karen Harned, Executive Director of the NFIB's legal center. The NFIB is a lead plaintiffs in the case.
You can listen live online on the WSB live stream and call in at 1-800-WSB-TALK.
I'll be back on WSB from 6pm to 8pm tonight, still talking about the case. Additionally, I'll be on Erin Burnett's show on CNN at the top of the 7pm ET hour.
Throughout the day here at RedState we will have continuing coverage and analysis regardless of how the decision goes.
As for my personal prediction, I think our black robed masters in false Solomonic form will split the baby.
-- Erick
1. The Stupid Party Expands Government Again
2. Hey reporters, why not step away from the left-wing talking points for just a minute
3. Ezra Klein's Magical Mystery Meme Machine
4. Double Capitulation Alert: Say No to Highway and Student Loan Bills
5. The Simple Lesson of John Sullivan's Defeat in OK-1
6. 57 Members Sign Anti-Earmark Letter
1. The Stupid Party Expands Government Again
House and Senate Republican leaders, collectively the Stupid Party, are yet again set to expand government, government spending, and engage in Keynesian economic policies they've criticized Barack Obama for.
Somewhat wisely, they are releasing all this as the Supreme Court releases its Obamacare decision so no one will pay attention. Ironically, as we wait to see if the Supreme Court gives Congress plenary power through the Commerce Clause, Congressional Republicans are feeding the Leviathan on their own.
Republicans and Democrats have agreed to a massive increase in federal gluttony with a highway bill. The Republicans decided to drop demands for approving the Keystone XL pipeline and demands that the EPA stop its ridiculous regulations on coal plants that will harm our energy future. In exchange, Democrats will not fund bike paths and highway landscaping.
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2. Hey reporters, why not step away from the left-wing talking points for just a minute
Many of the up and coming members of the Gang of 500 in Washington, DC — those reporters and pundits who help shape and cover inside the beltway conventional wisdom — lean left of center. In so doing, they are sympathetic to the talking points of the left.
I'm sure for the last 72 hours, in the run up to the Obamacare decision, many reporters have been meditating over the talking points from Center for American Progress and the Obama campaign.
The basic talking point goes like this: the five Justices of the Supreme Court have usurped democracy because everybody that's anybody knows the individual mandate is constitutional.
We won't know until later today what the Court decides. What we do know is that the left's last minute spin willfully chooses to ignore a few points that reporters, if they are competent, should notice.
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3. Ezra Klein's Magical Mystery Meme Machine
In the supposedly reality based community, reality is a construction of intricately woven dung huts sheltering left-wing tropes as fact. "Memes," as the kids these days call them, get started here. They are the thoughts that affect the presuppositions people make when weighing in on the news of the day.
According to Ezra Klein, first in the New Yorker and now in the Washington Post, if the Supreme Court throws out the individual mandate it will be because "[o]ver the past two years, the Republican Party has slowly been building a permission structure for the five Republicans on the Supreme Court to feel comfortable doing something nobody thought they could do: Violate the existing understanding of the Commerce Clause and, in perhaps the most significant moment of judicial activism since the New Deal, overturn either all or part of the Affordable Care Act."
A permission structure.
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4. Double Capitulation Alert: Say No to Highway and Student Loan Bills
While everyone is wait
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