Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Texas Senate Race: Tale of the IE Tape

Texas Senate Race: Tale of the IE Tape

by Sean Sulliv, hotlineoncall.nationaljournal.com
May 29th 2012

As you watch tonight's Texas Republican Senate primary returns, here's a handy reference for outside group independent expenditure spending on the race. Groups allied with frontrunning Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst lead the way:


Conservative Renewal PAC: $754,000
Texas Conservatives Fund: $2.26 million

Total: $3.01 million

Pro-Ted Cruz

Club For Growth: $1.41 million
Senate Conservatives Fund: $519,000
FreedomWorks: $108,000
Tea Party Express: $39,000

Total: $2.08 million

Pro-Craig James

Real Street Conservatives PAC: $120,000

Total: $120,000

Original Page: http://hotlineoncall.nationaljournal.com/archives/2012/05/texas-senate-ra-1.php

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Victor Cuvo, Attorney at Law
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