Friday, April 6, 2012

Fwd: The American Patriot's Daily Almanac - April 6th

Victor Cuvo, Attorney at Law
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From: Bill Bennett  <>
Date: April 6, 2012 7:02:03 AM EDT
To: Victor Cuvo <>
Subject: The American Patriot's Daily Almanac - April 6th
Reply-To: Bill Bennett  <>

The American Patriot's Daily Almanac
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The American Patriot's Daily Almanac by Bill Bennett
April 6th
Peary and Henson Reach the Pole
"STARS AND STRI PES NAILED TO THE POLE " an exuberant Robert Peary telegraphed from Labrador, Canada, announcing that he had reached a goal long sought by explorers—the North Pole.

Peary, a 52-year-old U.S. Navy commander, had made several arctic expeditions and two failed attempts to reach the Pole. He had spent years learning from the native Inuit the best ways to dress in furs, build igloos, and drive sledges over the ice. On one trip he had lost eight toes to frostbite. But he was determined, he said, "to hurl myself, time after time, against the frigid No of the Great North."

On March 1, 1909, Peary set out from his base camp on Ellesmere Island, 413 miles from the Pole. His team counted 24 men, 19 sledges, and 133 dogs. With him was his longtime assistant, Matthew Henson, an expert explorer in his own right.

For weeks the men battled roaring winds and temperatures of -50° F. They hacked trails across rough patches, floundered in snowdrifts, and hauled their sledges across ridges of ice. At times channels of water suddenly opened before them. They waited for the water to refreeze, then scampered over the thin ice.

Peary, Henson, and four Inuit made the final, 133-mile part of the trek. On April 6 Peary calculated that they had reached their goal. "The pole at last!" he wrote in his diary. "The prize of three centuries."

Over the decades, some critics have questioned whether Peary actually made it as far as the North Pole. And for years Henson, who was black, received scant recognition for his role. But today the two men are generally credited as the first to reach the Pole. Both are buried in Arlington National Cemetery. Peary's gravesite is inscribed with his motto: "I shall find a way or make one."
American History Parade
1841 John Tyler is sworn in as the tenth U.S. president, becoming the first vice president to succeed a president who died in office (William Henry Harrison).
1862 The Battle of Shiloh in Tennessee, one of the bloodiest of the Civil War, begins.
1889 George Eastman begins selling the Kodak camera.
1909 Robert Peary and Matthew Henson reach the North Pole.
1917 The U.S. formally declares war on Germany and enters World War I.
1938 Researcher Roy Plunkett accidentally discovers polytetrafluoroethylene, better known as Teflon.

This content is courtesy of The American Patriot's Almanac

© 2008, 2010 by William J. Bennett and John T.E. Cribb

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