Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Sandusky, Boy Shower: 'Another Coach Present'

In 1998 Penn State police discovered that current Nittany Lions football coachJerry Sandusky had been showering with unrelated prepubescent boys in the school football team locker room.

Jerry Sandusky seen with Victim 6, who showered wih the Penn State coach at school football facilities in 1998

(Who was the Penn State coach "present" while Sandusky, child showered?)

On May 19, 1998, Sandusky admitted to bear-hugging an 11-year-old boy while both were naked in the Penn State football team locker room shower. The Nittany Lions football coach also, at the time, did not deny touching the prepubescent boy's "private parts" when confronted by the mother of the child - as police detective Ronald Schreffler eavesdropped on the conversation as part of a Penn State investigation.

Part of that Penn State police investigation involved Centre County (PA) Child and Youth Services, which assigned psychologist John Seasock to interview the 11-year-old boy on May 8, 1998, to get the child's account of showering with the current Nittany Lions football coach in the Penn State football team locker room.

In his report to Penn State police on behalf of Centre County Child and Youth Services, the latter of which had previously licensed Sandusky as a foster parent, Seasock described what the 11-year-old boy, whose name was redacted from Seasock's report, told him about showering with Sandusky on the Penn State campus:

<redacted> reported that he felt weird and that he just wanted to get showered and get out, he felt funny but again never said anything to Jerry about how he felt. <redacted> reported that he had just finished washing himself when Jerry came from behind, made a large growl and gave him what he termed as a large "bare hug" which he laughed at and thought was funny. <redacted> reported that Jerry basically gave him a hug around the guts and said he was going to squeeze his guts out, picked him up a bit and then put him down. 

Seasock eventually concluded that Sandusky's behavior with the prepubescent child in the Penn State football team locker room showers was "normal" - along with Sandusky's admitted habit of showering with other children on the Penn State campus:

If one pays special attention to Jerry's reported behavior, it will be found that Jerry engaged in behavior that can be considered indicative of most people termed as "(male) coach". It appears that Mr. Sandusky engaged in a routine of behavior that has been repeated countless times over his history as a coach. All the interactions reported by <redacted> can be typically defined as normal between a healthy adult and a young adolescent male.

Seasock, who said in his report that he was "not familiar with Penn State football" before learning of the Sandusky case, also noted that "another coach" had been "present" while Sandusky showered and "bare hugged" the naked, prepubescent child in the Penn State football team locker room:

7. Through previous interviews it was apparent that there had been another coach present within the locker room/shower facility. 

In closing Penn State's 1998 police investigation of Sandusky's practice of showering with children in the Penn State football team locker room, Penn State Detective Ronald Schreffler also noted in the official Penn State police report the following from psychologist Seasock's evaluation:

SEASOCK said that he hasn't heard of a 52-year-old becoming a pedophile

Sandusky has since been charged with 52 criminal counts relating to child sexual abuse of 10 alleged victims. Eight of the victims cited by the Pennsylvania Attorney General in its ongoing investigation of the longtime Penn State football coach were raped at locations inside and around Penn State football facilities.

Below is the text from Seasock's 1998 report cited by Penn State in not continuing to pursue child sexual abuse charges against Sandusky at the time.

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Renaissance Psychological Corporation

Service Evaluation 

Name: <redacted>

DOB: <redacted>

Dates of Evaluation: 5/8/98

Referral Source

This referral was made by John Miller who is currently a case worker for Centre County Children and Youth Services. No other information was provided to the interviewer prior to the initial meeting with <redacted>.

Reason for Referral

<redacted> was referred to Renaissance Psychological Corporation for evaluation of possible sexual victimization.


Identifying Data

<redacted> is an eleven year old Caucasian male of average height and weight who appeared to be his stated age. He was evaluated at the Centre County Children and Youth Services Office, located in Bellefonte, PA. He was brought to the interview site by his biological mother <redacted><redacted>was informed that he would be talking to a counselor who just had some questions to ask him.

Medical Status/History


Psychiatric History/Psychological History


Educational History


 Legal History


History of Drug and Alcohol Use/Abuse


Cognitive Status


Results of Interview

Physical and Emotional Abuse


Sexual History


Inappropriate Sexual Behavior


Sexual Victimization

The original purpose of this evaluation was to determine whether or not an incident of sexual victimization had occurred in <redacted>'s life. Upon the opening of the interview, this evaluator had asked <redacted> why he thought he was speaking to me today. <redacted>'s straight answer was, because of "Jerry". This evaluator basically stated, "I don't understand what you mean."<redacted> went on to explain the following to this evaluator. <redacted>reported that Jerry is an older friend, an adult, who works with a program called Second Mile. <redacted> described Second Mile as a program for people with parents who have parents who are divorced or not married. He reports that he met his friend Jerry through Second Mile and then was invited to a game of football. He explained that this football game was a game of two-hand touch with some Penn State University players. He reported that approximately a week later he was invited to the locker room at Penn State University by Jerry, who evidently has some connections with the college.<redacted> reported that he was extremely thrilled at this offer. He reported that he and Jerry went to work out on machines that included things like treadmills and other various equipment pieces, then he and Jerry made up a games called Polish Locker and Polish Bowling [a ball made from sticky tape used by football players used to tape hands and joints was formed into a ball and was then kicked into a garbage can or used to knock over drinking cups].<redacted> reported that after playing this game he wrestled with Jerry.<redacted>'s description of wrestling appeared to be more along the lines of horseplay that occurred for brief seconds during the transition from the workout area to the locker room. The horseplay incident basically consisted of<redacted> attacking Jerry while sitting on what was described as as mat which turned into some tickling. Upon assessment of the tickling there was nothing that appeared to be inappropriate to this evaluator. The tickling occurred for several seconds, as defined by <redacted>. This evaluator questioned <redacted> as to why he thought we were here to talk about Jerry, because what he had just told me appeared to be fine. <redacted> reported, "my mom was concerned that Jerry did something to me." This evaluator questioned, "Did something?" <redacted> reported that Jerry at one point said that he was going to take a shower and that he asked if <redacted> needed a shower. <redacted> said yes. <redacted> did not relate any evidence of being forced into taking a shower and portrayed it as nothing more than an offer.<redacted> reported that he was nervous about the situation because he had never showered with an adult before but he did not state his feelings at any time to Jerry. <redacted> reported that he did take a shower at the Penn State facility with Jerry. <redacted> reported that he was sweaty and did actually feel he needed to take a shower. Again <redacted> did emphasize that at no time did he feel forced to take a shower. He related that Jerry gave him a towel and that he did feel uncomfortable taking his clothes off in front of another person. He related that Jerry appeared to have his own area which appeared to be a coach's room where he disrobed and then went into the shower separately from <redacted>. He related that Jerry went in and showered first. <redacted> reported that the water was already running because the shower's were turned on when they first entered the locker room so the water could warm up. <redacted> reported that he went into the shower and initially went to turn on another shower unit a distance from Jerry because he was uncomfortable. <redacted> reported that Jerry said that he already had a shower on and that he should use one that was already running, the shower was closer to Jerry and he did use that shower. <redacted>reported that he felt weird and that he just wanted to get showered and get out, he felt funny but again never said anything to Jerry about how he felt.<redacted> reported that he had just finished washing himself when Jerry came from behind, made a large growl and gave him what he termed as a large "bare hug" which he laughed at and thought was funny. <redacted>reported that Jerry basically gave him a hug around the guts and said he was going to squeeze his guts out, picked him up a bit and then put him down. He reported that the whole incident happened in a matter of several seconds and that no contact between bodies had occurred. At one point <redacted>reported that he still had shampoo on his head and that Jerry had lifted him up from behind and had stuck his face in the shower head to wash him off, this lasted several seconds and then he was placed back down on the shower floor. This was done half to get the soap out and half as what appeared to be a gag.<redacted> again portrayed this as fun. <redacted> reported as they exited the shower, Jerry turned the showers off, went back to his coaching area to get dried off and changed and that <redacted> had gone into a separate area to do the same. <redacted> related that after they got dressed, they left the locker room, got into Jerry's car, and Jerry took him home. Jerry said that in the future he might call again, and <redacted> was dropped off at his residence.

<redacted> reported that many people have come to talk to him about this event and many people asked him if Jerry had touched him. <redacted>reported that nothing like this had never occurred. This interviewer questioned for any type of manipulation that could have possibly been done with<redacted>, and <redacted> related that there were never any secrets discussed, no threats that were ever made, no time when <redacted> felt that something sexual was going to happen to him, and that overall he had a good time. <redacted> reported that at present he still wants to see Jerry but because what happened in the shower was wrong, he couldn't see Jerry. <redacted> related that as long as Jerry didn't touch him or "try anything" he though things were fine. <redacted> felt it necessary to give the full name of Jerry which is Jerry Sandusky, and it was related that he is a Penn State Defensive coach. <redacted> asked if this interviewer knew him and I related to <redacted> that I am not familiar with Penn State football.<redacted> also reported that he has a friend named <redacted> who had a similar experience with Jerry. <redacted> related that he talked to<redacted> and told him that his mother was worried that they had been sexually abused. <redacted> related what he did with Jerry to <redacted>and <redacted> said that he did basically the same thing. This interviewer asked again if <redacted> felt that he had experienced what would be termed as sexual abuse, and <redacted> reported no. <redacted> was then asked to explain what sexual abuse meant and he was actually able to explain the appropriate definition as good touch, bad touch or when another person touches a child on their "penis". It should be noted that this interviewer know that previous investigation had been done for the possibility of sexual abuse. The attempt of this interview was to possibly establish a pattern of what would typically seen in an adult sexual offender who would manipulate children into sexualized situations. Through this "cold interview with <redacted> there seems to be no incident which could be termed as sexual abuse, nor did there appear to be any sequential pattern of logic and behavior which is usually consistent with adults who have difficulty with sexual abuse of children. This evaluator does work consistently with sexual offenders and does attempt to establish, through interview, the actual patterning of a sexual offender known as a motive for operation. Again from the interview with <redacted> there was no evidence of a sexual offense that occurred nor any consistent evidence of offense patterning.

Consultation/Extended Interview

Upon completion of an independent interview with <redacted> this evaluator had the opportunity to gain access to the prior interviews that had been done with <redacted> through the local police department and Children and Youth Services. It is evident that <redacted> gave explicitly consistent interviews with the local police department, Children and Youth Services and this interviewer. This fact does lend credence to the validity of what <redacted>had reported. There were only very slight differences between the interviews.

Through the statements that were consistently by <redacted> it does not appear that a sexual victimization occurred directly between <redacted> and Jerry Sandusky. However, there is still concern about whether or not<redacted> had been placed in a situation where he was being "groomed for future sexual victimization". To either rule in or rule out this concern, one should specifically look at the testimony supplied by <redacted>. If one places such information under specific scrutiny it can be determined that <redacted>had not been groomed for future sexual behavior, nor did a situation of inappropriate sexual behavior occur. If one pays special attention to Jerry's reported behavior, it will be found that Jerry engaged in behavior that can be considered indicative of most people termed as "(male) coach". It appears that Mr. Sandusky engaged in a routine of behavior that has been repeated countless times over his history as a coach. All the interactions reported by<redacted> can be typically defined as normal between a healthy adult and a young adolescent male. The only cause of contention that would cause any doubt in the situation would be the fact that Jerry and <redacted> had taken a shower together. This immediately caused appropriate concern about whether or not a sexual victimization occurred which then puts all of the other activities into a framework which could have been used to groom a child for sexual behavior.

1. Through <redacted>'s reports there was no evidence of threat, intentional manipulation, or force designed to elicit sexual behavior.

2. <redacted> never disclosed any discomfort with the situation giving Jerry no opportunity to alter his behavior.

3. The reported wrestling was more indicative of horseplay, consistent with the developmental behavior of a young adolescent.

4. <redacted> specifically reported that he had never been touched sexually.

5. Mr. Sandusky changed in a separate area from <redacted> which is not consistent with how adult sexual offenders utilize children for sexual arousal. What usually happens in these events is that the adult watches the child disrobe and uses that to elicit sexual arousal within themselves. It was explicitly related in all three interviews that Mr. Sandusky did not evident sexual arousal in any way through various situations. Additionally what was missing was that at the initial onset of the day Mr. Sandusky did not view<redacted> changing into a different set of workout clothes, which as previously stated, would have been used for sexual arousal.

6.  Mr. Sandusky had the opportunity to help <redacted> dry off which is also a patterning used for adult sexual offenders. If Mr. Sandusky was going to use the situation for his own sexual gratification would be expected to have engaged in such activity.

7. Through previous interviews it was apparent that there had been another coach present within the locker room/shower facility. An adult sexual offender, at all costs, attempt to do such activities within private areas.

8. The behavior exhibited by Mr. Sandusky is directly consistent with what can be seen as an expected daily routine of being a football coach. This evaluator spoke to various coaches from high school and college football teams and asked about their locker room behavior. Through verbal reports from these coaches it is not uncommon for them to shower with players. This appears to be a widespread acceptable situation, and it appears that Mr. Sandusky followed through with patterning that he has probably done without thought for many years. I believe the mistake that was made was that Mr. Sandusky did not take into account the pre-adolescent age of this boy and the level of sexual development that he was at.

9. The amount of physical contact that occurred between Mr. Sandusky and<redacted> is not consistent with what is commonly found in adult sexual offenders. There is usually ongoing touches that do not necessarily have to be reciprocated. Prolonged touches are what are usually used to elicit some sort of sexual arousal sequence.

10. It was not reported that Mr. Sandusky had purposely stared at <redacted>while in the shower according to <redacted>. Again, if Mr. Sandusky was using this child for sexual arousal, direct visual stimulation is what some adult sexual offenders utilize, again this is not consistent.

There are several other inconsistencies that follow throughout the report but at the present time, this evaluator does not feel that it is necessary to go into line by line statements.


Taking into account the large amount of data that has been gathered about this situation involving <redacted> it does not appear that a sexual offense nor does it appear that this young gentlemen is been placed in a situation where he is being groomed for future sexual behavior. What does appear evident to this evaluator is that we have a person who has been termed as a local football coach who was been <report cut off>

This entry was posted on Sunday, March 25th, 2012 at 2:41 pm and is filed under Dumbass Coach,LawsuitsBrogCollege FootballPolice Blotter Media . Visited 5,479 times, 200 so far today
Victor Cuvo, Attorney at Law
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