Sunday, February 24, 2013

Pistorious Released


Oscar Pistorius has been granted bail and released pending murder trial of Reeva Steenkamp

Oscar Pistorius released on bail

Olympic athlete Oscar Pistorius and his sister Aimee are driven to a relative's home in Pretoria after his release on bail. The judge banned Pistorius from returning to the home where he fatally shot girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp.
Source: AP

Oscar Pistorius released on bail 
Oscar Pistorius Shooting bail 
Oscar Pistorius leaves court bail
South Africa Pistorius Shooting 
Pistorius family 
Arthur Pistorius uncle Oscar Pistorius
Ampie Louw Oscar Pistorius coach 
Brooklyn poluice staton Pretoria Oscar Pistorius
APTOPIX South Africa Pistorius Shooting

OSCAR Pistorius has been granted bail and freed from custody pending his trial in the Valentine's Day shooting death of his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp.

Chief Magistrate Desmond Nair said the prosecution not been established that Pistorius was a flight risk, nor had it been established the accused would be violent again.

Judge Nair made the ruling after four days of arguments from prosecution and defence in Pistorius' bail hearing, and after spending about one hour and 45 minutes announcing his decision.

"I come to the conclusion that the accused has made a case to be released on bail," Judge Nair said to cries of "yes!" from Pistorius's family and supporters.

"The issue is not guilt, but where the interests of justice lie," Judge Nair said.

Oscar Pistorius released on bail

Olympic athlete Oscar Pistorius and his sister Aimee are driven to a relative's home in Pretoria after his release on bail. The judge banned Pistorius from returning to the home where he fatally shot girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp.

Radio stations and a TV news network in South Africa broadcast the audio of the decision live, and even international channels like the BBC and CNN went live with it, underscoring the huge global interest in the case.

Judge Nair banned cameras from Friday's dramatic bail hearing and complained about cameras constantly "flashing" in Pistorius' face the previous three days of hearings, saying the spectacle made the athlete look like "some kind of species the world has never seen before."

Judge Nair set the bail at 1 million rand ($109,000), with $11,300 in cash up front and proof that the rest is available. The magistrate said Pistorius must hand over his passports and also turn in any other guns that he owns.

Pistorius also cannot leave the district of Pretoria, South Africa's capital, without the permission of his probation officer, Judge Nair said, nor can he take drugs or drink alcohol.

Oscar Pistorius Shooting bail

Oscar Pistorius has been freed on $109,000  bail and released ahead of his murder trial, after the judge determined the athlete was not a flight risk.

The double-amputee Olympian's next court appearance was set for June 4. He left the courthouse in a silver Land Rover, sitting in the rear, just over an hour after the magistrate imposed the bail conditions.

The magistrate ruled that Pistorius could not return to his upscale home in a gated community in the eastern suburbs of Pretoria, where the killing of Reeva Steenkamp took place.

Pistorius' uncle, Arnold Pistorius said: "We are relieved at the fact that Oscar got bail today but at the same time we are in mourning for the death of Reeva with her family. As a family, we know Oscar's version of what happened on that tragic night and we know that that is the truth and that will prevail in the coming court case."

Pistorius' senior defence lawyer Barry Roux told reporters the defence is satisfied with the bail.

Oscar Pistorius leaves court bail

Olympic athlete Oscar Pistorius, silhoetted in front vehicle, centre, arrives at a relative's home in Pretoria, South Africa after being released from custody.

Judge Nair made the ruling after four days of arguments from prosecution and defense in Pistorius' bail hearing.

During the long session overnight in Pretoria Magistrate's Court, Pistorius alternately wept and appeared solemn and more composed, especially toward the end as Judge Nair criticised police procedures in the case and as a judgment in Pistorius' favour appeared imminent.

Judge Nair said Pistorius' sworn statement, in which he gave his version of the events of the shooting during the predawn hours of Feb. 14 in a sworn statement, had helped his application for bail.

"I come to the conclusion that the accused has made a case to be released on bail," Judge Nair said.

South Africa Pistorius Shooting

Oscar Pistorius arrives in court for the fourth day of his bail hearing. After a marathon 1 hour and 45 minute ruling, the judge released the athlete under strict conditions.

Pistorius said in the sworn statement that he shot his girlfriend - a model and budding reality TV contestant - accidentally, believing she was an intruder in his house.

Prosecutors say he intended to kill Steenkamp and charged him with premeditated murder, saying the shooting followed a loud argument between the two.

Sharon Steenkamp, Reeva's cousin, had said earlier that the family wouldn't be watching the bail decision and hadn't been following the hearing in Pretoria.

"It doesn't make any difference to the fact that we are without Reeva," she told The Associated Press.

Pistorius family

Olympic athlete Oscar Pistorius' father Henke Pistorius, right, with Oscar's brother Carl and sister Aimee watch as Oscar Pistorius enters court for his bail hearing overnight.

Despite the bail decision, prosecution spokesman Medupe Simasiku said: "We're still confident in our case," outside court.

Pistorius faced the sternest bail requirements in South Africa because of the seriousness of the charge, and his defence lawyers had to prove that he would not flee the country, would not interfere with witnesses or the case, and his release would not cause public unrest.

Judge Nair questioned whether Pistorius would be a flight risk and be prepared to go "ducking and diving" around the world when he stood to lose a fortune in cash, cars, property and other assets.

Judge Nair also said that while it had been shown that Pistorius had aggressive tendencies, he did not have a prior record of offenses for violent acts.

Arthur Pistorius uncle Oscar Pistorius

Arthur Pistorius, the uncle of South African Olympic sprinter Oscar Pistorius told the media the family is relieved at the bail decision and believes the shooting was a tragic accident.

He criticised Hilton Botha, the previous lead investigator in the case, for not doing more to uncover evidence that the Olympian had violent tendencies. WO Botha was removed from the case after it was revealed he is facing murder charges.

"There is ample room and ample time to do that by looking at the background of the accused," he said.

But while Judge Nair leveled harsh criticism at former lead investigator WO Botha for "errors" and "blunders," he said one man does not represent the state's case and that the state could not be expected to put all the pieces of its puzzle together in such a short time.

Anticipating the shape of the state's case at trial, he said he had serious questions about Pistorius' account: Why he didn't try to locate his girlfriend on fearing an intruder was in the house, why he didn't try to determine who was in the toilet and why he would venture into perceived "danger" - the bathroom area - when he could have taken other steps to ensure his safety.

Team Pistorius graphic

"There are improbabilities which need to be explored," Judge Nair said, adding that Pistorius could clarify these matters by testifying under oath at trial.

"I come to the conclusion that the accused has made a case to be released on bail," Judge Nair said.

Pistorius said in the sworn statement that he shot his girlfriend accidentally, believing she was an intruder in his house.

Experts said the case would now be fast-tracked through the courts.

Ampie Louw Oscar Pistorius coach

Olympic athlete Oscar Pistorius' coach Ampie Louw speaks to the media during the bail hearing at the magistrates court in Pretoria, South Africa.

"This is probably going to get priority and will probably take about six months to go to trial," said Stephen Tuson, a criminal law professor at the University of Witwatersrand.

"It's a high profile matter."

EARLIER: The prosecution case wrapped up, prosecutor Gerrie Nel focusing on Pistorius's affidavit testimony as to what happened the night Reeva Steenkamp was killed. He said the accused athlete should take the stand to testify personally.

He says every angle of the athlete's story is "improbable".


Aimee, Carl and Henke Pistorius have taken the same seats each day during the dramatic and emotional bail hearing for Oscar Pistorius, charged with the murder of his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp. AFP

"It's always easy to give a version, especially if there's only one person there," he said.

His version: The Pistorius affidavit

On the accusation that the alleged murder was premeditated, the prosecutor said: "I'm not saying the murder of Reeva Steenkamp was planned days in advance, or weeks in advance". But he says Pistorius "wanted to kill".

He also repeated the prosecution stance that Pistorius should not get bail because he is a flight risk and has likened the case to that of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who is wanted for questioning over alleged sexual assaults but has claimed political asylum at an embassy in London. Mr Nel said Assange has skipped bail.

Brooklyn poluice staton Pretoria Oscar Pistorius

The police station in Pretoria where Oscar Pistorius has been spending his nights in a holding cell with no bed.

"He is a well-known person, he is as well known as Mr Pistorius," he said, explaining that fame should not be a reason to consider an accused person would not flee. He also said the double-amputee's disability should not be given special consideration.

"If somebody with disability commits a crime, we have to treat him differently? Courts cannot be seen to treat famous people differently."

"He (Pistorius) hasn't said so, but he must think that conviction is likely,'' Mr Nel said.

"He must realise that a long term of imprisonment is almost guaranteed. If you're looking at life imprisonment as a possibility, it's not easy to stay if you have means to leave.''

APTOPIX South Africa Pistorius Shooting

Carl Pistorius (right) accompanies his brother Oscar as the athlete is led from the Boschkop police station east of Pretoria, en route to court for his first appearance on February 15.

Mr Nel said Pistorius "has the international status to be accommodated elsewhere''.

But Magistrate Desmond Nair seemed sceptical over the argument that Pistorius would be a flight risk: Would he be "ducking and diving every day? On those prostheses?" he asks.

The defence has also raised this issue, lawyer Barry Roux saying Pistorius's disability meant he could never go through an airport without being noticed.

"If Pistorius goes through airport security, there's always a commotion, the system reacts. That shows you how difficult it is."

One feature of the hearing has been the silent presence of Pistorius's family.

Grim-faced and occasionally wiping away tears, his father Henke, older brother Carl and younger sister Aimee have occupied the same three seats in the front row of the court house each day. Oscar's mother Sheila - who the Olympian credits as the driving force behind his success - died when he was 15.

Carl Pistorius (@carlpistorius) has been tweeting regularly since Oscar' Pistorius's arrest a week ago.

During Thursday's hearing he accused prosecutors of lying "with a straight face" as judge Desmond Nair complained about the poor quality of evidence from investigating officers.

Carl Pistorius took the unusual step of tweeting from inside the courtroom to condemn prosecutors.

His tweet followed claims by Mr Nel, for the prosecution, that Oscar Pistorius remains a flight risk. He said that the athlete had said that he needed his passport to compete internationally, and that he had not said he would not go anywhere.

Moments afterwards, Carl, who was sitting behind his brother, tweeted: "How does the prosecution lie with a straight face. Passport was tendered to IO [investigating officer]! I went to collect in Johannesburg upon the IO's request."

Earlier, as Mr Nel summed up the prosecution's case opposing bail, Oscar Pistorius began to weep in the crowded courtroom, leading Carl to reach out and touch his back.

During breaks in the proceedings Carl walks through the gallery shaking hands with supporters. He regularly has his arm was wrapped protectively around Aimee while his other shoulder, is pressed tightly against his father's.

But later, after the dramas involving Hilton Botha and problems with the prosecution's evidence, Carl told reporters outside court: "I feel like the court proceedings went well today. We trust that everyone has more clarity about this tragic incident."

Oscar' Pistorius's official website  has been turned over for updates on the case.

In the latest update, his uncle, Arnold Pistorius, said on behalf of the family: "We believe that this is an appropriate way to deal with the expressions of support we have received as well as keeping the media informed about any key developments in the case.

With wires

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Saturday, February 23, 2013

The Only Woman Who Ever Got Hit By a Meteorite Survived

The Only Woman Who Ever Got Hit By a Meteorite Survived

Imagine going about your day like the people in Russia only to be smacked against a wall by a meteorite's shockwave. That's already crazy. But imaging... Read more

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Mexican Government and Cartels

Mexican Government Aided Drug Cartels And Participated In Kidnappings, Report Reveals

ThinkProgress  by Hayes Brown

Security forces in the Mexican government may have been cooperating to facilitate hundreds of "enforced disappearances" of citizens as part of the failing struggle to rein in drug gangs, according to a new report.

Mexico has been steeped in a conflict with drug cartels for the last six years, resulting in the death of over 50,000 Mexican civilians. During the course of that conflict, hundreds of civilians have gone missing — or "disappeared" — and are presumed to be dead. Prominent NGO Human Rights Watch, in their report titled "Mexico's Disappeared: The Enduring Cost of a Legacy Ignored," alleges that the government of former Mexican President Felipe Calderón has not only failed to bring disappearances under control, but actively taken part in some instances:

Human Rights Watch has documented nearly 250 such "disappearances" that have occurred since 2007. In more than 140 of these cases, evidence suggests that these were enforced disappearances—meaning that state agents participated directly in the crime, or indirectly through support or acquiescence. These crimes were committed by members of every security force involved in public security operations, sometimes acting in conjunction with organized crime. In the remaining cases, we were not able to determine based on available evidence whether state actors participated in the crime, though they may have.

The report goes on to describe several of those disappearances in-depth, including the beatings by local police, detentions by federal police, and possible shootings ordered by the Navy. Calderon's war on the cartels did not go as planned, with actions to rein in fighting between organized crime rings instead leading to greater bloodshed. By conquering all elements of crime and supplanting the government, the Zetas — the largest of the cartels — currently controls the third-largest state in Mexico.

In the end, Human Rights Watch urged newly sworn-in President Peña Nieto to take action to reverse the policies of his predecessor. "While disappearances may have started on Calderón's watch, they did not end with his term," Human Rights Watch Americas Director José Miguel Vivanco said in a release. In a visit to the White House in November, Nieto pledged to reduce violence within his country, without offering details on how.

Instability in Mexico is finally making its way into the politics of the United States, though in the context of border security and immigration reform rather than the war on drugs. During a town hall meeting, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) faced down a constituent who said invading Mexico was necessary to "clean up the cartels." Despite the worries of many conservatives, the achieved nearly all of the targets for border enforcement in 2007, with 81 percent of the U.S.-Mexico border now meeting one of the top three levels of "operational control" by U.S. enforcement officials.

Friday, February 22, 2013

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Pistorius Gets Bail Before Murder Trial of Girlfriend

Pistorius Gets Bail Before Murder Trial of Girlfriend

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Illinois woman admits leaving baby to die on road

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HAVANA (AP) — Cuban President Raul Castro on Friday unexpectedly raised the possibility of leaving his post, saying he is old and has a right to retir... Read more

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Venezuela issues grim report on Hugo Chavez's health

Venezuela issues grim report on Hugo Chavez's health

Read Full Article at ... Read more

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Thursday, February 21, 2013

Limbaugh Loathing

Limbaugh Loathing

Jeff Poor

On his Thursday program, conservative talker Rush Limbaugh said he is "ashamed" of his country, lamenting both the lack of fiscal discipline in Washington and the media coverage of ongoing budget negotiations.

Read more at The Daily Caller...

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Tweet from Breaking News (@BreakingNews)

Breaking News (@BreakingNews)
Bulgaria's prime minister says he and his whole government is resigning from office following nationwide protests - @Reuters

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Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Tweet from The Mick (@RedSuxHater)

The Mick (@RedSuxHater)
Republican U.S. senator decides to quit via @worldnetdaily

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Tweet from Breaking News (@BreakingNews)

Breaking News (@BreakingNews)
North Korea threatens South Korea with 'final destruction' during a debate at the UN Conference on Disarmament - @Reuters

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Monday, February 18, 2013

Could there be a 'sober pill' on the horizon?

Could there be a 'sober pill' on the horizon?

Taylor Bigler

There are some really inopportune moments in life when you happen to be really drunk, but really don't need to be.

Maybe you're having a casual boozy Sunday brunch when your mom calls and asks if you can join her at church. Or perhaps you've been pounding frozen margaritas when you spot your boss across the restaurant and see him coming your way. Either way, at some point in our lives we have all needed to sober up quickly.

Well, we may soon be able to thanks to scientists that got some mice all boozed up and did some tests on them.

Read more at The Daily Caller...

College: Fire professor who forced students to vote for Obama

College: Fire professor who forced students to vote for Obama

Robby Soave

A tenured professor who forced her students to sign pledges that they would vote for President Obama last November should be fired, the college's president recommended.

Sharon Sweet, an associate professor of mathematics at Brevard Community College in Florida, is guilty of electioneering, harassment, and incompetence, according to a three-month investigation into her classroom behavior leading up to the November election. The Board of Trustees will hold a hearing on the matter, and then vote on whether to adopt President James Richey's recommendation that Sweet be fired.

Read more at The Daily Caller...

Conservative columnist resigns after Kentucky paper refuses to run op-ed on publication's liberal bias

Conservative columnist resigns after Kentucky paper refuses to run op-ed on publication's liberal bias

Alex Pappas

The lone conservative columnist at the largest and most influential newspaper in Kentucky says he quit writing for the paper because editors are refusing to publish his opinion piece calling the publication out for its apparent liberal bias.

Columnist John David Dyche told The Daily Caller Monday that he's written for the Louisville Courier-Journal for about a decade and his column had never been rejected until last week.

Dyche says he quit after Pam Platt, the paper's editorial page editor, left him a voicemail on Feb. 11 making it clear they wouldn't run his piece about the paper's politics.

Read more at The Daily Caller...

Conservative columnist resigns after Kentucky paper refuses to run op-ed on publication's liberal bias

Conservative columnist resigns after Kentucky paper refuses to run op-ed on publication's liberal bias

Alex Pappas

The lone conservative columnist at the largest and most influential newspaper in Kentucky says he quit writing for the paper because editors are refusing to publish his opinion piece calling the publication out for its apparent liberal bias.

Columnist John David Dyche told The Daily Caller Monday that he's written for the Louisville Courier-Journal for about a decade and his column had never been rejected until last week.

Dyche says he quit after Pam Platt, the paper's editorial page editor, left him a voicemail on Feb. 11 making it clear they wouldn't run his piece about the paper's politics.

Read more at The Daily Caller...

Man gets 10 years for deadly DWI crash | WBRZ News 2 Louisiana : Baton Rouge, LA |

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Tweet from Breaking News (@BreakingNews)

Breaking News (@BreakingNews)
Citizens from Britain, Italy, Greece and Lebanon are among those kidnapped in northern Nigeria attack, official says - @AP

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The Mental Health of Our Wounded Warriors: PTSD Isn't the Only Affliction

The Mental Health of Our Wounded Warriors: PTSD Isn't the Only Affliction

The Wall Street Journal Weekend features the heartbreaking tale of Lance Cpl. Williams, a Marine who was only member of his 12-man squad to survive a ... Read more

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